Who is this class for?

You answer emails with paragraphs & simple questions with long-winded stories.

Your default sentiment is to justify your decisions & provide detailed background.

Not everyone reads your communications even though they are filled with important info.

Your coworkers' eyes glaze over by the time you're done talking.

You apologize by saying things like "Sorry, I was rambling", "Sorry, I'm coming to the point."

You're in the right place!

In this class, I'll show you how to develop brevity as a skill without changing your personality. Not masking; not feeling bad; not incomplete communication!

Communicating well is a critical skill at work & can have a huge impact on your career success.

You can be amazing at this! It's just a matter of how you approach it & what methods you use.

My Story

Hi, I'm Deniz, an adult-diagnosed ADHDer.

My background is in Science & Engineering. For the past 15+ years, I worked in Biotech. All positions I held had a critical communication element.

I'm an ADHDer after all and my default sentiment is to give more information & not less.

A Business Writing Class I took 10+ years ago opened my eyes to reducing the amount to increase clarity. It made a huge impact on my career success. It's a skill I actively practice, to this day.

With this class, I adapted the tried & true methods I use to ADHDers and other neurodivergents who are naturally wordy.

What you will get from this class:

  • Access to the 90-min class recording. I present with visual story telling with minimal text (except for the examples).

  • The reasons why we over-communicate & how to work with that.

  • How to anticipate what the audience needs & what they can consume.

  • A practice example text in different levels of edit. This is a lot of fun!

  • A checklist on how to edit down your initial work. Downloadable, PDF.

  • What to do if you have a lot of information that can't be edited down. But still needs to be consumable. We got this!

  • Tips for verbal communication. How to identify and address over-communicating when face-to-face.

  • 10 min Q&A at the end of the class.

This course is closed for enrollment.