A home reset that works with your ADHD brain!


Here's what we will NOT do:

Expect you to get rid of everything you didn't use in the past 6 months! Take everything out of a closet for a big declutter! Create three piles of burden labeled keep, sell, donate and hope for the best! Label 40 bottles and re-home your spices!!! No, thanks.


Join me on a two-week-long decluttering journey that lightens your mental load everyday, while taking a gentle, guilt-free and sustainable approach.

You will feel lighter than you started, in a house with less overwhelm.

Why would you need a special type of home reset?


PAST EXPERIENCE You've done purges before. You've organized your house or a room. Yet, it feels like an impossible task to start, finish or sustain.


SCIENCE Published data shows that ADHDers are at a higher risk for hoarding disorder. Maybe you've seen this from older relatives. A lifetime of not being able to make decisions about the things they own.

There's something else... something specific about ADHD brains


MEMORY RETRIEVAL Sometimes having an object as a reminder is the only way we will have access to certain memories. And we subconsciously know this.


OUT OF SIGHT, OUT OF MIND is very real. Getting rid of a thing may mean that we are discarding our chance to remember certain memories. It hurts just to think about it.


LONG TERM MANAGEMENT Managing each task around keeping a smooth sailing household involves a lot of decision making, planning and executing. All of these are challenges for ADHD brains.

LIGHTER will help you declutter in a way that aligns with your unique brain. With self-discovery and self-acceptance, we'll build sustainable skills to manage your overwhelm and tasks.


What about all the tips and tricks online or from self-help gurus?

๐Ÿ˜ Remember that one video you saw that had a great tip? Yeah, me neither! It's probably in your saved folder or your screenshots. ๐Ÿ‘ป

๐Ÿ˜ What about the decluttering advice that makes you buy a ton of matching containers that you have to manage?!
๐Ÿ˜ Getting rid of anything that doesn't spark joy? ADHD brains don't work like that. This will continue building guilt and feeling of failure. Letting go isn't easy.

๐Ÿ˜ Have you tried pulling everything out of your closet, then get overwhelmed and shut down in the middle of that huge task? Been there!


It's ok! I got you!

๐Ÿ‘‰ With LIGHTER Home Reset, you can find everything in one place: The inspiration, videos, resources and ideas from the community. All uploaded into your curriculum. Available for 12 months.

๐Ÿ‘‰ Learn ways to let go on your own terms. Develop skills to by-pass the initiation overwhelm of managing your home. Make it sustainable instead of dreading it.

๐Ÿ‘‰ You can apply it to any week, day or a special circumstance (like the baby clothes that are piling up or the collection of elephant figurines you inherited from grandma).

๐Ÿ‘‰ Find support and self-discovery instead of guilt.

๐Ÿ‘‰ LIGHTER curriculum provides strategies that suit your unique cognitive style, making decluttering an act of setting a boundary instead of promising unrealistic results.


With any ADHD Hyperfocus School classes, you'll find science is involved. This one is no different. I believe that k
nowledge and awareness create an opportunity to make a change.

We'll go discuss the 'why'. And come up with realistic, practical ways of helping ourselves and our loved ones.

Hoarding related research was published in the recent years and helps us be mindful and take precautions.


The reason previous LIGHTER sessions were so popular was because of community. We crave body-doubling -working alongside a friend- and sharing our experiences.

LIGHTER will provide that connection to the rest of the community. We learn best from each other. Nothing like ADHDers advising each other for what really works.


Do any of these sound familiar?


YOU HAVE DIFFICULTY GETTING STARTED (AND KEEPING IT GOING) You have difficulty starting tasks to declutter. Once you start, overwhelm takes over and you regret having started. The amount of work seems like a mountain to get through.


YOU FEEL GUILT AROUND DECLUTTERING You imagine all the ways an object can be used in the future (even though you haven't used it in the longest time). It feels impossible to discard anything. Sending something to the landfill brings up feelings of guilt.


YOU FEEL DECISION PARALYSIS AROUND UNUSED IMPULSE BUYS You've purchased things impulsively and it feels like, keeping the item is more financially responsible.


YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU HAVE IN CLOSED STORAGE SPACES You put away many things in closed storage; You have no idea what you have. You need that jolt of activation with the rest of the community to start opening cabinets and boxes.


IT'S TOO OVERWHELMING TO HANDLE OBJECTS THAT CARRY MEMORIES You've kept objects that remind you of special moments in your life and you know you'd never think of those moments without seeing 'the thing' you kept. You're in that place where your children or babies are growing out of clothes, toys, interests. And all the stuff is so charged with memories and emotion.

Some recurring comments from the community include:

โคท Disposing of items can mean the last step of wasting money. This brings up resistance that ends up keeping many things that no longer serves us.

โคท Environmental concerns for sending items to landfill and adding to the problem.

โคท Wanting to sell items that are in good shape but the task is too overwhelming.

โคท Driving around with bags of donation items for 6 months+

๐Ÿ‘‰ With LIGHTER we'll address these and more both in public stories and in our curriculum.


How does it all work?

This is a 2-week home reset program with 3 main components.

All the content is available at once.

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โœจ 14 Daily inspiration lists, posted in your curriculum. Each day I will share what I'm doing in my house and will share in Instagram stories. No worries if you miss them, because all will be uploaded to your curriculum.

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โœจ 6 mini trainings, you'll find 3 themed short trainings per week posted on how to's that work with ADHD ways of living and challenges many of us encounter.

  • Managing overwhelm for success.
  • How to get started? And sustain motivation.
  • Letting go in stages.
  • Emotional decluttering.
  • Vision and goals, how they are different and how they help.
  • Mindset changes that are sustainable.

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โœจ 2 Zoom check-ins

These check-ins have been recorded and shared into your curriculum. This program is ready to view in full. There will be no live meetings.

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You can also get a 15-min private zoom mentoring: